Pune : The inaugural International Phule Festival, organized under the Bhidewada International Poetry Awakening Campaign, is set to honor the legacy of the first girls’ school in India, established by Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule. The festival will be held from January 2 to 5, 2025, at the S. M. Joshi Foundation auditorium in Navi Peth, Pune, running daily from 9 AM to 9 PM.
Speaking at a press conference, Vijay Vadverao, the event’s chief organizer and Bhidewada poet, announced that over 600 poets, writers, intellectuals, and artists from Maharashtra and abroad will participate. Fellow poet Arvind Bansode was also present during the announcement.
Honoring a Historic Legacy
Vadverao highlighted the significance of the event, stating, “Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule pioneered girls’ education in India by starting the country’s first girls’ school at Bhidewada, Budhwar Peth, Pune. This festival aims to preserve the history of this monumental achievement, promote their work, and pass on this legacy to future generations.”
The festival will feature a variety of activities, including:
- A poetry festival featuring poets from India and abroad.
- A Marathi ghazal mushaira on the theme of Bhidewada.
- Monologues, dramatizations by school students, one-act plays, musical powades, and demonstrations of traditional martial arts like lathi-kathi and dandpatta, emphasizing women empowerment.
Global Participation and Cultural Representation
The festival, which is free and open to all, will be inaugurated by poets from Dubai. Participants include poets from countries like London, Australia, and Abu Dhabi, alongside those from Indian states such as Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh.
An exciting highlight will see poets performing in the personas of Savitribai, Fatimaben, and Mahatma Phule, underscoring the values of sacrifice, dedication, and societal contribution championed by the Phule couple.
Vadverao emphasized the festival’s role in advocating for the Bharat Ratna award for the Phule couple and instilling their progressive ideals in future generations.
Honoring Trailblazers
The event will also recognize 25 poets, poetesses, and activists for their exceptional contributions to the Bhidewada campaign with the International Phule-Loving Samaj Ratna Award. Honorees include:
- Kranti Vende (Dhule), Poonam Patil (Jalgaon), Kanchan Moon (Pune), Arvind Bansode (Pune), Manoj Bhar Shankar (Abu Dhabi), among others.
This landmark festival is poised to celebrate the enduring legacy of Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule, while fostering a deeper understanding of their invaluable contributions to education, gender equality, and social reform.